Technology meets performing arts
– Artist-in-Residence driven research –
In the Spring of 2018, Hotel Pro Forma will launch a new initiative, supported by Nordic Culture Contact and the Danish Arts Foundation. As part of the on-going artistic research in the company, we are establishing a new artist-in-residence driven research focus on the meeting between technology and performing arts. Over the coming years, Hotel Pro Forma will invite artists to come work with us in exploring how VR technology and the expanding possibilities of virtual worlds can be translated into a physical performing arts experience. We have identified three elements that we need to research in order to develop techniques, which make this translation possible:
- Advanced use of video projections and projection screens
- Advanced use of moving screens and VR sound
- Advanced use of interactivity between projections and performers/audience
In Hotel Pro Forma, we are convinced that we will see a future of VR in performing arts without the infamous VR-goggles. We approach performing arts in the belief that this art form essentially constitutes a social experience in a space shared by audience members and performers, and that the use of goggles would severely impair this experience. We also recognize the current development in VR as one with considerable potentials in the way we experience the world, and how we see ourselves and each other as individuals in a physical setting.
In 2018, we invite Nordic or Baltic based artists for two separate artist residencies focused on the meeting between technology and performing arts. Both residencies will work towards exploring the simple translation of VR into a physical space using video projections. The two artists selected for the residencies will work within the framework of our research objectives, using their own artistic, creative and imaginative powers to push technology and art. We customize each residency after a thorough dialogue to secure the proper merging of your personal artistic focus in the residency and Hotel Pro Forma’s purpose of the residency design.
- The Spring residency: during the period of April-June 2018.
- The Fall residency: during the period of October-December 2018.
The residency periods are expected effectively to last two months. The exact period will be determined together by Hotel Pro Forma and the selected artist.
- The selected artists are each offered a 45.000 DKK fee to cover travel and living expenses for their work over the full residency period.
- The artists will be offered the resources and space of the Hotel Pro Forma studio in Copenhagen, including the assistance of our interns, a group of 8-10 highly motivated and skilled young creatives and artists.
- The artists are requested to share information about the residency project to the public at one of our CPH BreakFast network events and to our online platforms.
- Each residency will result in a public showcase demonstrating the results of the work, shaped as a performance or an installation.
- April-June 2018 residency period: March 5, 2018
- October-December 2018 residency period: August 13, 2018
Please contact managing director Rasmus Adrian,
To apply: Complete the e-form and send your portfolio/CV.
DEADLINE: March 5, 2018