To strengthen the artistic growth and vitalise artistic innovation across generations, Hotel Pro Forma established in 2011 what turned into a very popular internship program.
Twice a year, we selected teams of 8-10 students from all over the world who worked with the Hotel Pro Forma team and the other interns.
As of season 2018/19, we have chosen to align the internships closer with our core activities. We invite interns to work on specific production development processes in specific time periods rather than semester-long periods with highly varying focus points.
Previous internships
The students add brand new knowledge about technical possibilities in the art, and develop Hotel Pro Formas works and stage artistic productions.
Conversely, they get a unique insight into Hotel Pro Forma’s artistic method through hands-on work, exhibitions and teaching, supplemented by workshops with artists and experts from outside.
Through the international internships, Hotel Pro Forma wishes to share and develop our knowledge with students who can be inspired by our working methods and are interested in participating in the development of new works at the conceptual and organizational level.
During the stay at Hotel Pro Forma, students get insight into Kirsten Dehlholm’s artistic processes through exhibitions, teaching and hands-on work with our current projects.
Our work with interns is unique in its collaborative approach to artistic development.
The students typically have a background in visual art, sound and light design, video design, architecture, dramaturgy and performing arts or arts management.
Danish and international students can apply for one of the internships in visual arts, audio and lighting design, video design, architecture, dramaturgy and arts management, depending on the current focus of our artistic work.
The internships are roughly 30 hours per week and unpaid.
For further information about the internships, please contact Lisbeth Jacobi at