Kirsten Dehlholm receives a distinguished international award
In connection with this Spring’s congress in Malmö and Copenhagen ”ISPA – International Society for the Performing Arts” presented Kirsten Dehlholm with ”The Distinguished Artist Award”. The award is given to an artist who has made an outstanding contribution of talent, artistry, dedication and service to the world of the performing arts. Kirsten Dehlholm is the artistic director of Hotel Pro Forma. The company is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2015.
The award was presented with the following motivation:
Kirsten Dehlholm has renewed and expanded the notion of what performing arts can achieve by insisting on a strong sensuous and textural sense of the visual works and for artistic content for new formats of interdisciplinary work, and not least the role art should play for the audience, Dehlholm reaches above and beyond. Dehlholm’s artistic curiosity has also laid the base of the Hotel Pro Forma Artistic Internship Program, where international upcoming artists of all disciplines are invited into the very heart of Dehlholm´s artistic laboratorium.
ISPA, International Society for the Performing Arts, is a New York based global association of arts management leaders. Two congresses are held every year – in January in New York and in the spring in one of the ISPA member countries.