A performance by Hotel Pro Forma – An exhibition of contemporary art
When did you last speak to Virgin Mary?
Have you heard the lepers sing?
What do the disciples do when they are not asleep?
Is Judas among us?
Do you want to meet at Golgotha?
jesus_c_odd_size is an evocative performance with an examining approach to a topic which has fascinated us for 2000 years. The title alludes to the websites of today where we all become canonised in the dim electronic heaven, and at the same time, like Jesus, feel more or less unaccommodated by our own time. We are, each in our own way, an odd size.
The Jesus figure appears as several different characters, as many different acts. But always hidden or disguised in the most visible, the most concrete. There is the secret, it is right there.
The performance consists of acting, live art, installation, lecture, projection, and film. It will not be staged at a theatre, but at the Nikolaj – Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center. The audience walks around the building, from porch to oratory, from office to kitchen, from tower to crypt. A non-linear sequence of sculptural acts can be experienced by a small or a big audience at the same time. The performance has an underlying web of meanings, which the audience can explore, be seduced by, loose track of or renounce as they proceed. The total duration is 3 hours depending on how long you wish to stay.
A total of 50 performers from four different countries participate. They are all people of our time.
jesus_c_odd_size in Nikolaj – Copenhagen Contemporary Art Centre could be experienced as exhibition during the day and as performance at night. jesus_c_odd_size used all the rooms of the church building – including the secret ones!
In October 2000, parts of the performance was shown at Malmö University, Sweden.