A Performance about The Natural and The Supernatural
DUST WOW! DUST is an interlacing pattern of film, music, song, and speech using words as pictures and pictures as film, in both a very big, and very small format. lt is a multitudinous composition of moving pictures, light drawings and colour planes, with voices and sounds as accompaniment.
In the performance DUST WOW! DUST, Hotel Pro Forma used a new scenic space and a new form of media: The Planetarium and the omnimax film. The new performance had been created for the curved, dome-shaped room, with its special projection style and surround sound.
The shape of the room and the big format of the film itself, which almost encircled the audience, appealed to a form of picturial communication that was different to epic narration. Because of this, Hotel Pro Forma’s film developed its own visual language. The film opened a ‘fictive picture’ room that became another magnified reality, not by copying reality but by enlarging unidentified structures of the existing world.
The film worked on the senses and perceptions, and the usual reading of reality was displaced.
Picture sequences was composed as a rhythmical play between light and darkness, structure and expanse, movement and stagnation. The film was a hornmage to the senses. lt was the world’s first omnimax art movie, specially produced for an omnimax theatre and for the performance DUST WOW! DUST.