Becoming Part of a Landscape
4 December 2015
Have you ever considered the things surrounding you to be materials with a will of their own? We welcome you to take part incommunicating with non-humans and experience the performative sculptures.
Friday December 4th at 6-9 pm, Atelier Hotel Pro Forma’s two current artists-in-residence, Sara Rönnbäck and Daniel Slåttnes, show the result of two months of intensive attempts to communicate with – and develop artworks in collaboration with their artistic materials.
The materials have been given the possibility to express themselves on equal terms with the artists.
During this process, Sara and Daniel have collaborated with scientists, shamans and other artists, each with different approaches to the idea of materials as something with a will of its own. This has resulted in a performative exhibition with and by Malin Bülow, Solveig Styve Holte, Mold, Andreas Hald Oxenvad, Plants, Plastics, Sara Rönnbäck, Daniel Slåttnes, Stone, Glass Carafes and Water.
We are used to seeing verbal language as the highest form of communication, but in fact, communication exists in many forms; as a play with the whole sensory apparatus where smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight interfere with each other.
Join us for an evening of mold sculptures, performances and talking plants – and experience Hotel Pro Forma come alive in a completely
new way!